28.04.2023 - 29.04.2023

Vicolo Balena 6, 37121 - Verona


Introductory event of the wÊŒn project, a project of social innovation and sustainable development.

A co-generative experience, where Art and technology become key tools for resolving the duality of man and nature, the theme underlying many contemporary problems, an opportunity to emphasize the fact that Man is Nature.

Project Team

Carlo Brunelli – Art & Creative Direction

Davide Conigliaro – Artificial Intelligence

Lisa Olivieri – Graphic Design

Lorenzo Lucchese – Sound Design

Michele Farina – Digital Art & 3D Print

Previous events

31.03.2023 - 02.04.2023

Vicolo Balena 6, 37121 - Verona


The "In Essence" project shows the man-nature relationship that is indicated in a given place and the resulting process of mutual change. In fact, nature transforms man and man transforms nature, giving places their own identity.

The artist-designer Carlo Brunelli interprets the concept of space in the philosophy of the Villa Bellini Estate, an eighteenth-century architectural structure which, together with the ancient brolo vines, both unique and typical of Valpolicella, takes on an identity character for the company. Attention to the historical and naturalistic dimension represents the key to Brunelli's research, as a sensitive testimony of the existence of man and his role within the ecosystem.

The world of art and that of wine therefore meet, giving life to a collaboration to tell the estate and the biodiversity of the vineyards in an experimental and creative way, with a storytelling based on works of art in which natural and anthropic elements coexist.

A transversal project that aims to go beyond the physical limits of space to evolve into a diffused space: the Gallery becomes in fact the starting point where spectators let themselves be involved in a multisensory experience, with connections and cross-references that communicate through the multiple realities of Villa Bellini at different times and in different places.

The ultimate meaning is in fact to understand the true essence of the relationship between man, nature and the territory that goes beyond time and space, exploring new dimensions.


Project Team

Curatorial support & Copywriting – E. Scaccia

Graphic Design – L. Olivieri
Sewing – G. Bragantini
Sound Design – L. Lucchese

Technology Design – L. Cordioli
Video making – M. Giacomelli
Exhibition Design, Creative & Art Direction – C. Brunelli

15.07.2022 - 17.10.2022

Vicolo Balena 6, 37121 - Verona

In the most ancient cultures, the theme of human existence is closely connected to the territory. Man has always sought answers on his origins in Nature and through art he began to give an image to those creative forces, responsible for inexplicable phenomena.

The exhibition of the works of Carlo Brunelli and the collection of Tiziano Meglioranzi tells different ways of representing what human reason has never found an answer to, traveling a journey through time and space. The contemporary artist Carlo Brunelli recalls the four elements (earth, water, fire and air) in colors, brushstrokes and shapes to recreate an environment that shows the essence of Nature in its powerful and, at at the same time, fragile simplicity. The works of peoples (mainly from Africa and Oceania), which are part of Tiziano Meglioranzi's collection, reveal the image that various cultures have attributed in the past to natural forces belonging to their sacred dimension.

The Walkabout is in fact a concept taken from Aboriginal culture and refers to a physical and spiritual path, aimed at the search for one's ancestors through reunion with Nature. This exhibition therefore aims to re-propose a Walkabout for the visitor, a journey into Nature and the Art of the origins that becomes an experience of human life.

"The material and spiritual universe are not distinct experiences. In the undisputed and traditional scheme of things, spiritual existence, nature and man form an indissoluble union. More concretely, in the view of the aborigines, there is no distinction between man and earth: they are literally part of each other" - Erich Kolig


Curated by Elisabetta Scaccia


The installation was born from the research of Carlo Brunelli and Arianna Pace within the Walkabout project, at the end of the same, on the occasion of ArtVerona - Art& the City 2022. The artists guide the viewer on an introspective journey between the visible and the invisible, where the shadows of the unconscious recall the deepest essence of each of us and bring to light the roots of our existence.

The landscape and human nature become part of each other and are manifested through the action of the artist, the one who illuminates the road between the present and the past.

"Like an archaeologist I try to penetrate deep into the layers of time, revealing forms of life that have left a precious trace" (A. Pace)

Installation and performance:

Carlo Brunelli e Arianna Pace

Sound design:

Lorenzo Lucchese

Curated by:

Elisabetta Scaccia

In Arte et Vino veritas

10.04.2022 - 12.04.2022

Vicolo Balena 6, 37121 - Verona

What do art and biodynamic agriculture have in common?

A multisensory journey through the gallery among the artworks of Carlo Brunelli, accompanied by a wine tasting from the Camerani farm, opens up a reflection on the relationship between man and nature.

A dialogue between the world of art and that of wine to rediscover our origins. Sight, touch, hearing, taste and smell become the trait d’union with Mother Earth, a symbol of the truest essence of every form of life.

United by a lifestyle choice of leaving industry to return to nature, the artist designer Carlo Brunelli and the Camerani family call to reflect on the return to origins, as a possibility of evolution. In the virtual era, there is now a need to re-establish concrete contact with the world around us, to awaken our senses and rejoin Mother Earth, in search of unknown or forgotten sensations over time.

In Brunelli's works, Nature recalls our past, our instincts and leads us back to the beginning of life; in the philosophy of the Camerani company, Nature represents the future and a resource on which to invest for environmental sustainability and biodynamic agriculture.

The Gallery becomes a space in which the cycle of time, in the production of works and wine, from the raw material to the finished product, is synonymous with regeneration. The vital energy testifies that in art, as well as in nature, nothing is created, nothing is destroyed and everything is transformed.

A multimedia installation to reflect on

anthropocentrism and sustainability.

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